The Path's End


The stakes have never been higher for Ed and Mel Davis and their friend Jax. The trio must face new dangers and make life-altering decisions in order to stop R. L. Nox and to save Ebrin from certain destruction. Can they hold on to finish what they started, or will the communication stealing spell finally defeat Ed and Mel?

The Path’s End is the last book in the Ed and Mel’s Decodable Adventures trilogy. Each chapter contains a parent or tutor-read passage, a decodable student passage, and a game to play. New reading concepts are added as Ed and Mel add to their reading and communication skills that were lost when R. L. Nox placed them under a spell. The progression of new skills in The Path’s End follows the scope and sequence of the Barton Reading & Spelling System Level 5.



The Path’s End provides:

  • 11 shared reading chapters
  • 12 reading games
  • Notes on which concepts are added to each chapter
  • Notes on which Barton level 5 lesson corresponds to the chapter
  • Note of any variation from the Barton Level 5 scope and sequence
  • Approximately 6211 words in the student text passages

The Path's End is appropriate to use as a decodable reader with other reading programs that have covered the reading concepts listed below.

  • Barton Reading & Spelling System Level 3 skills: Closed syllable, digraphs (ck, sh, ch, wh, th), two and three-letter blends, digraph blends, double f, l, s, or z at the end of a word, -all, -ang, -ing, -ong, -ung, -ank, -ink, -onk, -unk, trigraph tch, contractions, -oll, -old, -olt, -ost, -ild, -ind
  • Barton Reading & Spelling System Level 4 skills: Open syllables, dividing syllables with one, two, three, or more consonants between vowels, reading vowels that turn to schwa in the last syllable, dividing words with 3 syllables, reading unaccented open-a as schwa, reading open i or e with the short sound in the middle syllable (also known as schwa outside of Barton Reading & Spelling System), vowel teams ay, ai, oa, ow, oe, ew, ue, ee; reading y with the long I sound at the end of a word.

  • Barton Reading & Spelling System Level 5 skills added chapter by chapter:
    • Chapter 1: Plurals
    • Chapter 2: Consonant suffixes
    • Chapter 3: Suffixes ED and ING
    • Chapter 4: Other sounds of suffix ED
    • Chapter 5: Vowel Suffixes
    • Chapter 6: Y change to I
    • Chapter 7: -tion, -sion
    • Chapter 8: Prefixes: dis, in, un, non
    • Chapter 9: Prefixes: mis, sub, re, pre
    • Chapter 10: Prefixes: inter, mid, over, up 

Sight Words: hour, county, word, another, won, above, eye, out, house, month, laugh, answer, four, thought, year, young, before, wash, son, daughter, parent, door, floor, shoe, enough, woman, whose, police, talk, chalk, always, own, build, buy, awful, else, truth, often, honest, pretty, tough, mountain.

Here is a link to a Word List of all the words used in the book.  

Lexile's Find a Decodable Book has more information such as Lexile measure, words sorted by vowel sound, etc. The Path's End.















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